FICA Statement of Principle on Financial Abuse and Family and Domestic Violence

Members of the Finance Industry Council of Australia (FICA) have affirmed our commitment to lead the financial services industry and its stakeholders to address financial abuse and family and domestic violence in our community.

We understand deeply how important it is to put the needs of victim survivors at the centre of our approach. We also recognise that organisations across the finance industry have a key role to play in supporting people when they need it most, including if they are experiencing financial abuse.

We specifically note the following:

• the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, which was released on 17 October 2022

• the ongoing work of the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner, Micaela Cronin, and

• the work of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services ongoing inquiry into the Financial Services Regulatory Framework in Relation to Financial Abuse.

Recognising the above and the importance of addressing financial abuse and family and domestic violence in Australia, FICA members are committed to working with the Government and other stakeholders on an effective path forward. This includes but is not limited to: listening to victim survivors, acting in ways informed by their experiences, and looking at how we can work together to make sure financial products, services and technologies are not susceptible to being misused to perpetrate financial abuse or family and domestic violence.

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